Friday, January 22, 2010

The week in review

It is hard to believe it is Friday. It really messes me up when Monday is not a real Monday. Why? I haven't a clue, but it does.

This has been a crazy week. I had a full calendar, perhaps because there were only four days this week! So I got nothing done around the house and it is looking a bit scary. I have really had issues with Kate this week, and am desperately in need of carpet cleaning yet again. Last night the pups had their yearly check-ups, and it was revealed why Miss Kate was having accidents again. We had spent Wednesday evening at class and she had a wonderful time with all the puppies that had shown up. Kate adores none. All went well and we headed home as usual. No big deal following the biggest class I have ever been to.

Fast forward to last night, a whopping 24 hours later. We got to the appointment a bit early and my best way of keeping the diva in check is to hold her on my lap. She so wanted to go visit everyone, so up she came. The dogs were weighed and I was quite pleased that Henry has maintained the exact same weight for two years. I guess I have the correct feeding amount and schedule. Kate gained a bit, which was good. She is still well within the standard at 31.2 pounds. She is changing and building muscle, so I am happy. However, when we got into the exam room and the vet came in I noticed that she was, as my aunt used to say, "in a delicate way." She is asleep behind me and is wearing her diaper. Happily she will be back to her normal self come the Albany show on Valentines day.

Yesterday I also tagged along on an appointment at Children's for the two grand girls of my daughter. They have eczema, and it was a recheck. I dare someone to try to convince me that my kids' father's skin issues are not eczema. He can self diagnose all he wants, but they are physician diagnosed and it all looks pretty darn familiar. Hopefully they will outgrow it, or at least be able to keep it in check with the knowledge gained. I have a love/hate relationship with Children's Hospital. I am so glad it is available in the area, but I really dislike teaching hospitals, and bad memories haunt me at Children's. Enough said about that!

This weekend is looking crazy, but so far, knock wood, next week looks a bit quieter.

With that said I am off to the post office and then back to do some yard work. Come on Spring!!!



Naomi said...

have the girls been checked for allergies? excema is usually caused by allergies (and often accompanies by asthma?).

Kira (aka the daughter) said...

Oldest has had the horrible experience of the "scratch" allergy test when she was 1, yep she's allergic to pretty much all the animals she loves. The test was done before the eczema diagnosis, pretty much as long as we keep her allergy medicine on board she isn't a crusty scratching miserable mess. The eczema is aggrevated by the allergies, but we keep it pretty much in check when I am being diligent about moisturizing etc. Eczema is an immune system response, and who knows how mom's immune stuff plays into the whole game..Little Plum has cradle cap like no bodies business, and sensitivity to fragrance, but she just has a couple small eczema spots.

Naomi said...

kira, that pretty much describes my younger son! although he doesn't have lots of allergies, it can be a mess if he has gotten into something he shouldn't and i am not on top of the cream :) poor kiddos!