Saturday, September 20, 2008

I'm here!!

The second grandma is here. I thought we were doing this on a different site, and was happily waiting for the first grandma to do all the work.

After 25 years, the trip is on! Have I packed? nope. Cleaned house? uh-uh. Done laundry? check. Made lists? absolutely...for the past two months I have been making lists. Can I find them all? uhhhhh, sigh, nope. But I can always make more.

Today is take the pup to the boarding place, day. It makes me sad, especially since it is raining. I hope the weather is decent so he can romp with the others in the great outdoors. My plan for the day was to spend it playing with Henry. So here I sit, as I have been since 7am...with the dog barking for attention. Once he is dropped off I will be the cleaning machine. Why bother until he is gone, right?

I am getting really excited now. It is a bit hard to believe this is real. Please, God, let there be some roller coaster places open...

Tag, Sandoz.

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