Saturday, August 8, 2009

That "D" word

First off I have to say that I got everything done! Well, OK, not the get up at 04-something to catch the 0505 ferry and meet some wonderful friends for breakfast before they head out on my favorite ride of the year...sniff. The alarm buzzed and I somehow managed to turn it off (at least I think it buzzed; I know I set it) and fall back to sleep. I had forgotten how sore the ribs are when I first wake up. There would have been small chance of even being able to get moving in less than an hour; I still am bummed. Knowing that right now they are all riding together. It makes me sad.

So, on to other things. The family reunion thing tomorrow. Of course it is potluck, so I had decided to take a salad or some fruit. Yes, I am back to counting points. I have been sorely lacking in that department, as has my daughter. We are both back on the wagon. The Mom person calls...seems that tacos and tamales are on the menu. No problem says I. I graciously offer my daughter's wonderful pico de gallo. (All veggies, no points!!) What shall I bring, I ask the maternal one. She says she has a couple of very large melons (alright, no comments from the peanut gallery). So I quickly say "I will bring d-d-d...
dessert(?)! I don't eat dessert, and haven't for years. I think dessert is a crazy thing. This may be in part from growing up with a younger brother who would come to the table and ask, before his bum was firmly in the chair, "what's for dessert?" When he is over I do try to have some fresh fruit on hand, but that's pretty much the extent of dessert at my house...although I can probably scrape up a nice stale graham cracker to put that cantalope on if I really try. The mother figure happily states that dessert is a great idea, and thanks me. sigh. (That was just a teeny sigh, as I still cannot take a deep breath; which means in reality that I did not complete my list of "to dos.") So who do I call? My daughter of course. She is also cleaning up the eating thing. I need ideas. Cupcakes just doesn't sound exciting enough. If I have to do this, I want to be able to taste it and not blow my next week's point allowance. Berries? In the freezer. Angel food cake? aha. Low in points. Sugar free pudding? Now I see where she is going. Then she says...make it like lasagna. What??? Layer it, says dear daughter. A layer of cake, a layer of berries, a layer of pudding, then repeat. Top with fat free topping. Seems easy enough, and within my tight budget. (Pool pump and Doggie Motel.) Then it comes time to put it all together. Do I thaw the berries? Do I mix the pudding with the berries? How the heck does one layer angel food cake without buying out the store? Three calls later I called it done. Not lasagna, unless you figure lasagna has just one layer of everything. If it is good I will claim it. If not, I will give dear daughter the credit. (Just kidding, baby.) Then as I am "layering" I quietly begin to count. Nine in my family. Six in my sisters. Two and one respectively in my brother's families, then of course the two in the maternal/paternal unit. 20. Is there enough angel food lasagna? If I fix it, I want to at least taste it. Then there is the question of serving it. Does one "cut" it or "scoop" it? Alright. The "d" word, round two. On the mini horse forum at Christmas time people share recipes. One was for cheese cakes that are done in muffin tins with vanilla wafers as the crust. After a little digging I found the quite easy to make recipe. Back to the store for the cookies and cream cheese. Alright, I went with fat free cookies and low fat cream cheese. I will likely not eat any, (yeah, right) but I should look out for my family, right? They are now in the oven and I am at peace. Whether he says it out loud or not, I will hear "what's for dessert?" when we sit down for dinner tomorrow night. There will be dessert for all. All will be right in his universe.


1 comment:

Bigskychic said...

Gimp we missed you very much this year. I sure do hope that you are finished healing soon. It has been awhile since I sat here and read your blog and I do apologize. Your writing makes me laugh, cry and everything in between. Thanks for giving us a peek inside your goings on over there. Your Grandkiddos are beautiful!